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The HOMERprogramâ„¢

​1)  Executive Summary​

The goal of The HOMERprogram™ is to bring financial assistance to homeowners who are not able to meet their monthly mortgage payments.  and enabling them to keep their homes.
The basic plan requires investor funds to make full or partial monthly mortgage payments while the homeowner returns to financial health. Then the homeowner will take over all the payments until the property appreciates sufficiently to allow the homeowner to refinance or sell.  This refinance/sale step can provide the homeowner with the funds to pay off the investor, including interest and set up fees.  The agreement will call for a three to five year term or more. The contract can be modified according to the needs of the parties and the economic times. 
There are several keys to the success of the program. The homeowner needs to have the intent to keep their home. They need  to make a commitment to the program and give full cooperation in making it work.  We will have an “online” financial coaching program as an important part of insuring the homeowner is armed with tools to better manage their future, thus the success of the program.
There are a few assumptions for the success of The HOMERprogram. 
1 - That it is based on the belief that real estate will appreciate. 
2 - That it will be Electronic, Online, and Paperless.
3 - That the Homeowners are the most important part of the program, and when     treated fairly and equally, they will be motivated to succeed.
4 - That the monitoring of all aspects of the program will be instantaneous. 
5 - That the need for hired staff and overhead will be dramatically reduced.
6 - That The HOMERprogram will revolutionize the home loan business.
7 – That this truly is: “An Idea whose time has come”.
Everyone involved in The HOMERprogram™ benefits: the homeowner and his family, the investor, the lender and the community.  These benefits go beyond financial rewards.   Investors gain a deep satisfaction in helping people keep their homes – many call it “socially responsible investing.”  Lenders benefit because they are guaranteed timely mortgage payments, avoiding foreclosure. This is a win-win for all involved.

​2)  Principals and the Core Management Team​

The principals and core management team will run The HOMERprogram™,
(Home Owners Mortgage Emergency Relief program), and is the brainchild of Porter Davis who is no stranger to creating possibilities where none seemingly exist.  The Program’s purpose is to bring together investor funds to assist homeowners.  Mr. Davis created this program to change the way we view home ownership.  It is offered as a solution to the economic difficulties homeowners have found themselves in due to a variety of circumstances. 


Porter has been a real estate broker for over 47 years and has considerable experience with real​estate investors and homeowners. When the mortgage market imploded in 2007, he realized the need to help homeowners in financial difficulty.  Mr. Davis has partnered with the following individuals, recognized as experts in their respective fields to form a core team.  All are active and involved in their communities.


Marc Lubomirski, a seasoned industry veteran in Information Technology infrastructure with more than 25 years, with a B.S. in Geology from Sonoma State University, California.

Allen Friedman obtained his undergraduate studies through California State University in San Francisco, receiving an LLB and Juris Doctorate (J.D.) through Lincoln University School of Law.  With over twenty years in the mortgage industry, as Vice President with Great Western Bank, Washington Mutual Bank, JP Morgan Chase and iServe.

Charles B. (Chuck) Lounsbury is a dynamic and charismatic executive with over 30 years of experience leading multinational corporations in the logistics, construction, and consumer products industries.  His many roles in the public, private and government sectors have included CEO, COO, CMO and CIO of many well-known corporations: Ryder Systems SVP, President of Global Customer Solutions.  President, CEO of Skyway Freight Systems. Toro’s three-member Office of the President responsible for the international division.

Tony Zanze  has a BA in Psychology from Dartmouth College and a Master's Degree in Real Estate from the University of Wisconsin. He is co-founder Hamilton Zanze & Co., Mr. Zanze's experience in real estate included capital markets, asset management, leasing, development, investment and brokerage of multi-family and commercial properties.


Other notable members and supporters:
Alex Ross is a retired Chevron Executive.
Susan Aubert a Real Estate Architect.
Heydar Pourian International Economist
Terry Keenan retired business man
Peter Macy Investment Banker
Chuck Campbell, Real Estate Attorney
Mark Burgess, Intern for the program


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